Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Linguistic Imperialism

To start with, Linguistic Imperialism is the process of imposing a language upon speakers of that language. It is important to be able to communicate across generations. As a matter of fact, a language dies every 14 days, resulting in 5,400 languages going extinct in 90 years from today. In this case, the english language is being imposed and enhanced by many factors, the main one being that the english language is the most well-known language across the world.  As expected, the top world rankings of universities are all english speaking. As a result a milestone or a barrier is being set in front of those who seek education but lack the ability to communicate in the required language. English teachers would refuse a student or an applicant, based on the person's inability to express themselves in english. An example of Linguistic Imperialism would be a variety of schools in Middle Eastern countries such as Kuwait or Qatar, altering their school systems as well as language requirements to english. This is done in order to educate the nation and prepare them for a more modern and perhaps a better outlook on their futures. Having their youth master the english language and its systems brings the entire country several steps ahead, in terms of political and economical power, since the youth are shaping their countries future.  This is an advantage and although the english language may be eroding the Arab language as well as the culture gradually, one can profit from long term benefits.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Paper 1, Text 2 Analysis

To start with, this article has been published by Oxfam, which is considered to be one of the worlds leading confederations to ever fight poverty and worldwide casualties. Having that said, it was expected that this article would be read by a variety of supportive countries to that specific cause. This article evolves around the idea of informative advertisement, while simultaneously educating people and encouraging them to show their support and act against the crisis that will fall upon Sahel’s nations. Oxfam’s writer takes an advantage of spreading awareness and educating, to advertise his own company that is considered to be the source of his income.

This piece of advertisements follows basic article-like format. Containing three separate sections explaining the crisis, the hardships and the situation in Sahel, and finally explaining the action that is being taken to resolve these dreadful issues. The format aims to persuade and educate the intended audience of this article. Arguably the intended audience are the more wealthy and fortunate people from other regions. Basic language has been used in order to expand the range of wealthy people, since they can be from any age group, and from various countries that don’t obtain English as their first language. The writer did that in order to allow his audience to invest in his company and support the previously stated issue. Furthermore, he does that by using ethos, logos and pathos through applying statistics and describing what the issue is really like.

The article starts with an eye-catching quote saying, “The humanitarian response must tackle the underlying causes of crises like this to prevent them from recurring”. The previous quote attracts readers that are interested in such cases, who are most probably organizations aiming to support different regions from all around the world.

After making sure that people started reading the article, they included a small paragraph in bold, explaining facts and statistics about recent casualties that occurred in West and Central Africa. It thoroughly explains that 12 million people throughout Africa have been facing food crisis following erratic rains. By educating people using these kinds of information, they are creating a kind of sympathy, which will then be used to informatively advertise themselves in order to gain attention and support from the people from all around the world. Following that, the writer continues to explain how the situation in Sahel is like. He explains how the production of important goods is decreasing in comparison to the five-year average. In the next couple of sentences, it is clear that logos is used, which is when factual information is being included to enhance an advertisement. Recent reports and claims have been included, which is used to emphasize on the main casualty, and to more accurately describe the situation in Sahel, and the kind of negative effect that the crisis is having on the people and their life-style. For example, “Recent reports said over 5.4 million people (35% of the population) are estimated to be vulnerable to food insecurity”. The previous quote has been taken directly from the article, as the author states dramatic statistics and numbers that further enhance his argument.

Moving towards the end of the article, the writer uses “we” and “us” when he wants to refer back to the Oxfam charity and their aims. The usage of these two words helps describe them as what they are claiming to be or addressing themselves as. It helps create a better understanding of their actions, leading to them gaining the support of the people and different organizations. Which is the main reason of such an article to be published by such a confederation.